Lemartes has always been an interesting type of beat-stick character. Throughout the years, editions, and codices, his role and particular application on the tabletop have changed. He has always been one those iconic type of awesome individuals whom everyone loves regardless of whether he ever saw play in their list.
Lemartes made his 6th edition debut in my army the other day. He was amazing. The combination of a few rules really pushed him over the top in game terms.

First, the new Rage special rule makes the Death Company extremely useful. There is no major negative which eliminates them from play. As Lemartes is an upgrade character to the Death Company, you can't take him without them.
Once you put him on the table, you have the Fury Unbound special rule to consider. After Lemartes takes his first wound, his Strength and Attacks jump to 5. So, I placed Lemartes out in front. This takes advantage of the wound allocation. I let Lemartes make saves until he took a wound. After that, I used the Look Out, Sir rule to divert any others which he failed (remember that he is not an Independent Character, so this only works on a 4+). On the following movement phase, I placed him a bit more centrally in the unit.
At that point, I had the S5 A5 base for Lemartes. As usual, he has an extra close combat weapon for an extra attack. We are up to 6. Add to this the effects of Rage, gaining +2 attacks on the charge, and we have 8 attacks. Pretty impressive.
We have more rules to add on. The new rules for his Crozius: Master Crafted Power Maul. A Power Maul is +2 to Strength. We now have a Strength 7 Lemartes with 8 Attacks on the Charge.
We have one more rule to cover: Litanies of Blood. Chaplains give Death Company models re-rolls on hits and re-rolls on wounds for the charge. As Lemartes is a Chaplain and Death Company Model, he gives himself re-rolls for hitting and wounding. So, we now have a Lemartes with 8 attacks at strength 7 with re-rolls to hit and re-rolls to wound on the charge. Pretty Impressive Indeed.
We haven't even considered the rest of the Death Company charging with him. I need to upgrade my Lemartes model.
What have your experiences with Lemartes and Death Company been in 6th edition games?
*Edit: I forgot to mention Furious Charge, which adds a further +1 to Strength on the Charge.