The model to the left represents the first (test) model for a very slowly progressing Luna Wolves project that I started. I realize that the thunder hammer and storm Shield are anachronistic. Nevertheless, I was trying to get started into this pre-heresy project. So, I was testing the conversion and testing the painting.
In the mean time, Forge World releases their intent to publish heresy books with specifics for the Legions. I start to question whether I should wait for the release of these books and models. I understand that the books will focus on the Sons of Horus, but the only difference between Luna Wolves and the Sons of Horus is the change in name at a particular point in imperial history, right?
Then Karitas over at Excommunicate Traitoris attends Games Day UK 2012. In his blog coverage of the event, he posts this picture of of the Sons of Horus Terminators. I am questioning whether I should put the Luna Wolves on hold. Should I wait? or Should I press on? Should I convert my (unfinished) Luna Wolf terminator into another chapter or legion? Forge World's Legion terminators in the picture look great, and I am afraid that I will always regret having not used them. What are your thoughts on the matter?